The Shadow Prince was written by Matt Wayne and was the tenth of twelve in the Nintendo Adventure Books series - first published on November 15th, 1993 by Mammoth Books in the U.K and Simon & Schuster, a division of Pocket Books in the U.S.
This was the second of two books in the series to be based on the Legend of Zelda series instead of the Super Mario series.
Plot Synopsis
[Source: The books back cover.]
The Scoring System
At the end of each Nintendo Adventure Book there is a scoring chart - in The Shadow Prince the scoring system worked as below, which incidentally is exactly the same as in the previous book, The Crystal Trap.
800 points or above - "Wonder Warrior"
600 to 799 points - "Hyrule Hero"
400 to 599 points - "Apprentice Adventurer"
200 to 399 points - "Gallant Greenhorn"
Less than 200 points - "Epic fail". OK it doesn't actually say that, but there is no title if you fail to achieve 200 points.
Puzzles in this book
- ISBN-10: 0749715456
- ISBN-13: 978-0749715458
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