Retro Super Mario Magazine Scans

Well those days have long since passed, as the internet became more and more user friendly and accessible in the late 90's we saw the rise of gaming fansites, and even some big international videogame news sites who made reporting on videogames their business. It was inevitable that many of these classic magazines would die out, and they did. Few remain thesedays, and they aren't as warm, colourful and packed with secrets as they once were. Many of the old magazines and their amazing content has been confined to the history books, that is, until now.
Perhaps you're a new Mario fan whose too young to remember those times and have always got their gaming info off the internet? Here's your chance to take a look at how things were back then in terms of videogame coverage.
The aim of this section is to feature scanned Super Mario series articles from many different retro videogame Magazines from around the world. I've curated a massive collection of these magazines from Planet GB, SNES Force, nRevolution, GBX UK, Nintendo Gamer, GBA World, N64 Magazine and a whole lot more and will be posting them up weekly for your nostalgic pleasure.
No mention of Nintendo Power? WTF? Not in this section no, There was so much Super Mario series coverage in Nintendo Power Magazine that it has it's own standalone section. So be sure to check that out too.