Welcome to TheMarioBros desktop wallpaper collection, consisting of loads of high quality desktop wallpaper by Nintendo, in resolutions from 640x480 to 1920x1200 - we have also tried to accommodate resolutions that may be in use by people with widescreen monitors and iPhones etc. If you have any wallpapers we are missing please do send them in, it doesn't have to be an official Nintendo wallpaper either, the work of fans is always more than welcome.
Desktop Wallpapers from all of your favourite Mario games on the NES
Super Mario Bros. Level Wallpaper by Ian Albert
Title | Resolution | Size |
Levels Wallpaper | 640x480 | 43kb |
Levels Wallpaper | 800x600 | 93kb |
Levels Wallpaper | 1024x768 | 137kb |
Levels Wallpaper | 1280x1024 | 204kb |
Levels Wallpaper | 1600x1200 | 295kb |